In this final part of the series, we are looking at the way forward. What does this awakening mean and how do we stay on the path that we’ve started to walk down?
Realising that I am an idealist in a world that values pragmatism and (so called) realism has been both challenging and liberating and has got me thinking about how I am not the only one who has experienced this kind of awakening. Whether we recognise it as such or call it something different (maybe you have called it a mid-life crisis, an existential crisis, a “who am I and why am I here” moment or something else!) many of us have this experience at some point in our lives sooner or later. This blog series has been my way of sharing my experience of that moment in the hope that it helps you through a similar experience.
The realisation, as described in part 1, is the first step and it feels quite exciting to really see yourself as you truly are. A whole new world of possibilities opens up as you realise you can come out of hiding and express yourself more fully in the world.
In part 2, I shared my experience of the inner struggle that comes with being who we are in the world if it doesn’t quite fit with the collective consciousness, especially when you have grown up in an environment which was all about fitting in. It is not easy to step out of that and be different. But at some point, the desire to be who you really are becomes stronger than the desire to fit and, to move in that direction, requires acceptance.
But acceptance in this context is not about what you get from others, that just plays to the “fitting in” narrative. The third part of the blog series pointed toward acceptance as something we find from within and as the key to being able to be who we really are. This is, in my experience, one of the most challenging parts about an awakening but it is a pivotal part of the journey, from which everything can change and you can experience more ease, enjoyment and freedom in all aspects of your life.
Whilst this might sound like it’s a self-improvement journey, it is far from that. Self-improvement implies that there is something lesser right now, something that needs to be developed, enhanced or fixed which is absolutely not the case. What this is really all about is us coming back to who we really are and acknowledging our wholeness.
We are born with a powerful ability to create in the world but that ability, for many of us, is squashed, supressed, overlaid with rules and requirements and dampened as we are encouraged to achieve and be successful in a way that has been decided as “the way” by others.
But there have always been outliers - people who chose not to conform to the belief that there is a certain way to live life - and some of those people have become the most influential people in history. They are wonderful examples of people who maintained the innate connection with who they really are that they were born with and who, in their own way, navigated life with integrity, authenticity and an understanding that the way to contribute to the world in a truly meaningful way was to be themselves.
As an idealist, I believe that we all have something to contribute to the world, that we are all innately good, loving, compassionate, creative beings and that we just need to reconnect with that part of ourselves (the part that lies beyond the controlling, scared, narcissistic ego) and ask it to guide us as we navigate this curious journey called life.
And the most beautiful thing about all of this is the ripple effect that has on others. Far from it being selfish or self-centred, when you start speaking your truth and making choices that align more with how you see the world, you might be surprised at how others respond. It’s like you give them permission to have their own inner awakening too.
So, as we bring this exploration to a close, I wonder what has resonated with you, how you are feeling in this moment, what you feel called to sit with and explore further yourself?
Remember, this journey is one of inner connection, but it is also one that we don’t take alone. There are always people who can support you and walk alongside you as you take each tricky step. I know the power of having that guide, or sherpa, on an adventure like this and that is why I show up in the world as that for others. If you feel you’d value having a trusted companion on the journey with you, get in touch and we can have a chat about how I could support you in that.
For now, if you haven’t already, check out the other 3 parts in this series to get the full picture and to be inspired to lean into your own awakening:
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