Inner Work Foundations

A 3 week immersive experience

It can be really difficult to find the time in our busy lives to really focus on ourselves and our inner growth and - even with the most positive of intentions - life, work, business, family and everything that goes with those responsibilities, can get in the way.

Which is why taking this Inner Work Foundations Programme could be the ideal way for you to really dive into the inner world and experience the transformation that can create.

Immerse yourself in ways of being which create more ease, enjoyment and freedom in all aspects of your life, work and business.

  • The programme has enabled me to embed these techniques far more strongly than before and I feel far stronger as a result"

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  • “Exactly what I needed!"

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  • “5 star. I learned more about myself, what I valued and that there is far more ease, enjoyment and freedom in life than I have previously allowed myself”

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You will experience:

Less stress

More freedom

Inner peacefulness

More balance

How does it work?

The programme is self-guided and designed to be completed over 3 weeks (based on a 5 day week!). 

There are 15 videos in which I introduce you to an aspect of inner work which can transform your life.  Along with the video there is a worksheet which will guide you through some simple but effective ways to apply it to your daily life.

In week 1 we focus on understanding the nature of the mind.

In week 2 we discover how to create space for clarity.

In week 3 we are expanding our awareness and tapping into our inner wisdom.

The videos and worksheets may be enough for you to begin or continue your inner work journey, but if you feel you'd need more support to really get the benefit you want,  we can build in one to one coaching alongside this.  Simply get in touch if you'd like to take this option.

If you are ready to take this self-guided journey, the investment is just £95.

Let me introduce you to the Inner Work Foundations Programme in this short video (video coming soon!)

The topics we'll dive into together....

Understanding the nature of the mind
  • Understanding the nature of thought and thinking
  • Recognising the relationship between thoughts, feelings and your experience
  • Managing reactivity and breaking the cycle of habitual behaviour
  • Shifting from feeling disempowered towards embracing empowerment
  • Understanding where all emotions come from - love and fear
Creating space for clarity
  • Disentangling yourself from the busy mind
  • Cultivating clarity of mind and a higher quality of awareness
  • The practicalities of creating space
  • Learning from nature
  • Developing your ability to experience gratitude and appreciation
Expanding awareness and tapping into your innate wisdom
  • Experiencing life beyond the mind programmes
  • Tuning into the wisdom of the observer
  • Choosing your perspective
  • Discovering who you are beyond the labels
  • Sensing into your commitment to continue your inner work journey

All of this for just £95 investment in yourself.

And if you are ready to get started, simply click the button below and your journey can begin!


If you're not sure if this is programme is right for you get in touch and we can arrange a short call to help you decide.

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